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I have always wanted to be a writer. When I was teenager I wanted to write about my childhood and the problems and obstacles that I had to overcome. I thought a lot about what I would write and what I would share with you. I toyed with the idea of writing under a pen name, I even had one picked out. I thought it might be better if no one knew it was me, then I could write exactly what I was thinking with no repercussions from friends or family. There are things I want to talk about that some people might not appreciate, a pen name would give me more literary freedom.

Fast forward 20 years, the start of that book is still sitting in a binder in my office. So instead of writing that book I am going to write this blog with the same intent. During the design process I had the same thoughts as before, maybe I should use a catchy website name so I could stay in the shadows and observe. In the end I decided to go with my own name, it wasn’t an easy choice to put myself out there for everyone to see.

It’s odd because I never really cared what people thought about me, so why does it matter when it comes to writing? I did some serious thinking about it and came to the conclusion that it’s one thing to not care what people think. It’s another thing to put myself out there in a way that gives anyone the platform to have an opinion. I realize that this should be part of my journey. To hear what people have to say, but also to maintain the power to react however I choose. I don’t want to give that control to anyone. I need to own this experience and my writing, whether or not people like it isn’t really my problem. This blog is meant to be a catalyst for me to become the writer I know I can be and the more people that join me on this adventure the better.


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